Frozen assets represent cryptocurrencies that cannot be traded or used for specific reasons. When trading on CoinTR, your crypto assets might be frozen for several reasons. Here are three situations that could cause your assets to freeze on CoinTR:
1.Open Orders
If your trade order is not fulfilled, your funds may be frozen. You can find your trades under "Open Orders" and cancel them if you wish. In this case, you can unfreeze your assets by canceling the order.
2.Pending Withdrawal
If your withdrawal is pending, your assets may be frozen. Check whether your withdrawal is pending by contacting the CoinTR support team.
How can you check your pending withdrawal?
Click on the [Deposit and Withdrawal] section under the [Assets] tab and then view your “Transaction History” at the bottom of the page. By following these steps, you can easily check your pending transactions.
3.Insufficient Balance
Please ensure that you have a sufficient balance in your relevant account before making a spot trade. An insufficient balance may prevent your trades from being completed and cause your assets to be frozen.
How Can I Deposit Funds into My CoinTR Account?
Visit our CoinTR FAQ Deposit/Withdrawal page to learn how to deposit funds into your CoinTR account.